Implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive in Belgium
Euronext Brussels Markiesstraat 1, 1000 Brussel
13 December 2022 12:00 - 15:00
"Four EU countries are now one step away from being taken to court for failing to pass strong rights for whistleblowers", Belgium being one of them. The country has already some whistleblower protection however, the EU Whistleblower Directive goes far beyond the current legislation.
What happens next? Download the presentation from our networking lunch with Claeys & Engels Law Firm, where we elaborated on the directive, its implementation in Belgium and how you can prepare your company already today.
In partnership with
Download the presentation
Our Panelist

Benoît van den Hove
Head of Listing Belgium, Euronext
Fabienne Raepsaet
Attorney - Counsel, Claeys & Engels

Alexandre Alves Martins
Attorney - Associate, Claeys & Engels

Eline Dujardin
Corporate Legal Counsel, Deceuninck

Topics addressed at the event
- Where does the Belgium government stand in adopting the law?
- Who has to comply with the EU Whistleblower Directive?
- What rights do employees have under the directive?
- Whistleblower: protection against retaliation and sanctions in case of abuse
Agenda of the event
Welcome & Lunch
Presentation Claeys & Engels
Testimonial of Deceuninck
Q&A Session
Networking & Coffee

About IntegrityLog
An easy online tool that allows safe, anonymous reporting of all potential ethical violations and wrongdoing. Comply with the EU Whistleblower Directive and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

About Claeys & Engels
Claeys & Engels is the first specialist law firm offering a full service to both national and international clients on all aspects of human capital. In view of the growing internationalisation of the economy, Claeys & Engels is actively participating in a specialist international alliance, Ius Laboris.