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Whistleblowing Case Handling: An Opportunity for Advisors

The Whistleblowing Directive presents a unique opportunity for advisors to create a new revenue stream by managing their clients' whistleblowing cases. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Why businesses need advisors to manage their whistleblowing case handling, - and why advisors should include it in their service offering.
  • How to address clients' initial concerns and effectively counter them.
  • The difference between preliminary case handling and full A-Z service, aand what each approach means for your advisory.
  • The challenges of providing whistleblowing case management, and the most practical, cost-effective solution to overcome them.

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What can you expect from this white paper?

The advisor's role in whistleblowing legislation

Common client concerns when outsourcing case handling

Services you can offer: Preliminary case handling vs A-Z service

Testimonials from advisors that already offer whistleblowing case management to their clients

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